双语心理治疗服务 | Bilingual Therapy Services

Ready to transform your life and reach new heights? On Par Therapy is here to guide you on your journey to becoming your favorite self.

Meet Ruiqi, Psychotherapist + Advanced Clinical fellow.

Ruiqi Yang, MHC-LP

Ruiqi is the compassionate force bringing a uniquely global perspective to mental health support. As a bilingual therapist fluent in English and Mandarin, she's the go-to expert for individuals navigating the complexities of cultural transitions, identity exploration, and the intricate dance of balancing multiple selves in our increasingly interconnected world.

Ruiqi has an exceptional ability to create a space where individuals from all backgrounds can let their guard down and feel genuinely seen in their entirety. Her expertise is grounded in a psychodynamic approach, with a special focus on attachment and relationships, allowing her to dive deep into the emotional currents that shape our lives.

Ruiqi's innovative therapy approach was born from her own journey across continents—from her roots in Guangzhou, China, to her adventures on both U.S. coasts. This personal odyssey has equipped her with a profound understanding of the challenges and richness that come with navigating multiple identities, whether cultural, racial, gender, sexual, or social.

In her practice, Ruiqi offers an immersive and transformative experience. She believes therapy should be a place where all parts of you are welcomed, understood, and celebrated. Through heartfelt conversations and insightful explorations, she guides clients to unravel the complexities of their identities, tackle the challenges of cultural adjustment, and discover a sense of belonging that honors all aspects of their unique selves.

For the modern, globally-minded individual feeling caught between worlds or struggling to find their place, Ruiqi offers a beacon of hope. With an MA in Counseling and Mental Health from New York University and a wealth of experience supporting clients with complex identities, she's ready to help you navigate and thrive in the beautiful tapestry of your life.

Ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth that spans cultures and celebrates your whole self? Ruiqi is here to guide you towards a life where every part of you finds its place and voice. Reach out today and take the first step towards embracing the full spectrum of who you are.

📍Ruiqi is provisionally licensed to work with clients in New York

Ready to embark on a transformative journey with Ruiqi? Reach out today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.

为什么选择双语治疗? | Why Choose Bilingual Therapy?

  1. Authentic Expression | 真实表达 Express your thoughts and emotions in the language that feels most natural, allowing for deeper, more nuanced exploration of your experiences.

  2. Cultural Understanding | 文化理解 Our bilingual therapists bring a multicultural perspective, helping bridge any cultural gaps and ensuring you feel truly understood.

  3. Cognitive Flexibility | 认知灵活性 Switching between languages can enhance cognitive flexibility and provide new perspectives on your challenges.

  4. Comfort and Trust | 舒适与信任 For non-native English speakers, having the option to use Mandarin can create a more comfortable and trusting therapeutic environment.

  5. Identity Exploration | 身份探索 For individuals navigating multiple cultural identities, bilingual therapy provides a space to explore and integrate these various aspects of self.

Our Approach | 我们的方法

At On Par Therapy, we deliver an immersive therapeutic experience for the modern, high-achieving individual. Our bilingual services embody our core values:

  • Honesty | 诚实: We provide empowered honesty, reflecting the truth of your situation and the clearest pathway forward.

  • Patient First | 以患者为中心: You are the main character in your therapy journey. We create a space where you can selfishly and joyfully be seen.

  • Integrity | 正直: We're committed to continual learning and evolution to provide the very best care.

  • Transformation | 转变: We provide resources and a space for you to release, process, and have the hard conversations necessary for growth.

开始您的双语治疗之旅 | Start Your Bilingual Therapy Journey

Ready to experience the benefits of bilingual therapy? Schedule your complimentary 15-minute consultation today. Whether you prefer English, Mandarin, or a mix of both, we're here to support you on your journey to becoming your favorite self.

Remember, at On Par Therapy, you're allowed (and encouraged) to put yourself first without apologizing. Let's break limitations, reclaim confidence, and help you thrive!


Start your journey to a more balanced, fulfilling life with a complimentary 15-minute consultation. During this call, you'll:


  • Discuss your current challenges and goals

  • 讨论您当前的挑战和目标

  • Learn how our approach can benefit you

  • 了解我们的方法如何使您受益

  • Determine if we're the right fit for your needs

  • 确定我们是否适合您的需求

  • Have all your questions answered

  • 获得所有问题的答案