Is the Law of Attraction Toxic? Examining the Risks of Spiritual Gaslighting

If you’ve been casually scrolling through social media the past few weeks, you might’ve encountered multiple posts warning you about Mercury Retrograde. Ah yes, my very favorite scapegoat to utilize when my Wi-Fi goes down, an ex comes back, or my flight gets delayed. Over the past several years, we have been encouraged to avoid signing contracts, entering relationships, or doing any significant planning during Mercury Retrograde, with always an eerie tone that something will go awry.

I’m not going to lie to you; I’ve delved into The Secret * multiple times, purchased beautiful crystals, and lit my fair share of palo santo and sage. The ideas of scripting my own reality, manifesting a text message, or instantly attracting a specific person were like music to my ears, and I desired to feel like I was entirely in control.  As a mental health professional, I am fully aware of how thoughts and negative perceptions absolutely dictate our reality. Mindfulness is a fantastic tool for that very reason. At the same time, I’ve grown concerned over the idea of manifestation and the spiritual gaslighting that I see taking place on social media platforms.

Let’s dive into healthy ways to practice manifesting and how to recognize and avoid spiritual gaslighting. 

What is Spiritual Gaslighting?

Spiritual gaslighting is a form of manipulation that occurs when someone uses spiritual concepts, such as manifestation or the law of attraction, to make you doubt your reality or feelings. This can happen when someone tells you that your negative experiences result from your negative thoughts or lack of faith in the universe. While it's true that our thoughts and beliefs can shape our reality, it's essential to recognize that not everything that happens to us is a direct result of our manifestation.

The Dangers of Spiritual Gaslighting

Spiritual gaslighting can be harmful because it can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and self-blame. If you're going through a difficult time and someone tells you that it's because you're not manifesting correctly or that you're not being positive enough, it can make you feel like you're responsible for your own suffering. This can be especially damaging for people who are already struggling with mental health issues like depression or anxiety.

How to Recognize Spiritual Gaslighting

Here are some signs that you may be experiencing spiritual gaslighting:

  • Someone tells you that your negative experiences result from your negative thoughts or lack of faith in the universe.

  • Someone dismisses your feelings or experiences as "low vibe" or "out of alignment."

  • Someone tells you to "just be positive" or "focus on gratitude" instead of validating your emotions.

  • People use spiritual concepts to avoid taking responsibility for their actions or behavior.

If you're experiencing any of these things, it's important to remember that your feelings are valid and that you're not responsible for everything that happens to you.

Healthy Ways to Practice Manifestation

While spiritual gaslighting can be harmful, that doesn't mean that manifestation is inherently bad. Many healthy ways to practice manifestation can be empowering and uplifting. Here are a few tips:

  • Focus on your growth and well-being rather than trying to control external circumstances or other people.

  • Practice gratitude and positive thinking, but also allow yourself to feel and process negative emotions when they arise.

  • Set intentions, take inspired action toward your goals, and be open to unexpected opportunities and detours.

  • Surround yourself with supportive people who uplift and encourage you rather than those who use spiritual concepts to manipulate or gaslight you.

The Bottom Line

Manifestation can be a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation, but it's essential to approach it with discernment and self-awareness. If you feel pressured or gaslighted by someone using spiritual concepts to manipulate or dismiss your experiences, remember that your feelings are valid, and you have the right to set boundaries and protect your well-being.

My Favorite Resources

About the Author

I'm Brianna, a licensed therapist and the founder of On Par Therapy NYC, a counseling practice helping ambitious women in New York and Florida reduce anxiety, build confidence, and find balance.

Blending compassionate care with goal-oriented action plans, I work primarily with female executives, entrepreneurs, and grads seeking empathetic yet practical support. My specialty is nurturing resilience, emotional agility, and inner peace so you can show up as your best self both personally and professionally.

I draw upon research-backed modalities like CBT and mindfulness while customizing evidence-based insights for busy, growth-oriented women. If you feel overwhelmed juggling wellness with demanding work, relationships, or perfectionist tendencies, I provide a non-judgmental space to explore your needs.

Whether you're struggling with specific symptoms or seeking general life balance and purpose, let's chat. Reach out to to schedule a complimentary introduction call today. I'm here to help you reclaim stability, self-care, and belonging.


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