Legging Legs Trend: Combatting the Latest Toxic TikTok Body Craze

Enough with these f**king TikTok trends. Let's talk about the legging legs craze.

Another day, another toxic TikTok trend. This time it’s the troubling “legging legs” craze promoting the extremely harmful notion that thinner bodies equal better health and wellness. Have we learned nothing from 2013’s Tumblr thigh gap phenomenon? Our bodies deserve far more respect.

Destructive fads like this only exacerbate disordered eating, poor body image, anxiety, and unhealthy relationships with food and exercise—especially among impressionable young people.

So how do we protect ourselves when the next dangerous viral trend inevitably emerges?

Recognize These Trends Feed Impossible Beauty Ideals

The first step is acknowledging these trends for what they are—tactics that feed an unachievable, dangerous beauty standard saying our bodies require manipulation to be socially acceptable. Our worth isn’t defined by appearance.

Actively Curate Your Social Media Feeds

Start consciously curating your feed with body-positive accounts celebrating inclusivity and rejecting diet culture’s old tricks dressed up in new virality. Surround yourself with messages and voices that promote true self-care.

Unfollow or Block Triggers

When the next concerning trend leaves you feeling less-than, stop, unfollow or block without hesitation. Redirect instead to uplifting accounts inspiring you to reconnect to your own inner wisdom about what makes you feel healthy and empowered.

Uphold Body Neutrality Principles

Body neutrality means no moral judgment or assumption of health should ever be made based on someone’s body or appearance. We all deserve respect and the right to take up space, regardless of size or ability.

The bottom line? We must continually recondition ourselves to reject messaging that says certain bodies hold more value. Don’t believe the hype, your worth was never up for debate.

About the Author

I'm Brianna, the founder of On Par Therapy NYC. I transformed my passion for empowering people into a counseling practice focused on helping busy New York women reduce anxiety, improve confidence, and find balance and purpose.

I blend evidence-based techniques with intuitive insights from my own growth to nurture resilience, self-awareness, and inner peace. Wellness is not just about eliminating symptoms; it’s about wholeheartedly fostering self-care and fulfillment. Whether at the starting line or yearning for a pivotal shift in your recovery, you’re in the right place. I supply the resources, strength-based support, and know-how for quieting your inner critic, speaking kindly to yourself, and feeling at home in your skin.

Let's lean into self-discovery, embrace the process, and journey together toward mental health that empowers you to show up fully as your best self. Your dreams of balance and belonging? Let's make them a reality. Reach out INFO@ONPARTHERAPYNYC.COM to schedule a complimentary 15-minute intro call. 


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